Kings of War 2nd Edition Kickstarter

Mantic games have launched yet another Kickstarter, this time for their highly acclaimed Warhammer wanna-be Kings of War. You can choose to either grab the rulebook ($50 nets you a full hardback one that includes the rules and all the current army lists as well as a smaller format one for taking out with you in your army case). Or, for the princely sum of $150 you can get the rules and your choose of 2 starter army sets or one mega army.

I must say that I’m tempted by the mega army, as I’ve been looking at the Abyssal Dwarves for a long time and I’ve only ever heard good things about the system. The new Abyssals look like they could be fun. The only criticisms I have is why Mantic can’t just release stuff like a normal company, everything has to be Kickstarted? Also, why are they running this in November with the funding cycle set to end in December when Amazon will then automatically hoover money out of accounts.

Surely it’s the worst time of year to do that with Christmas being right around the corner and barely over a month away at this point! I even made a statement of that on the forums. Then, someone rather helpful suggested why not back it fort $1 and then up the pledge when it comes time to submit what you want off the surveys.

So I did.