Tag Archives: German

Sdkfz 234/2 Puma Action!

Wow, been busy lately… After posting that War was Declared, got a test game of Bolt Action in and have been for a great day at Salute.

It seems that the groups attention has wondered over to Drop Zone Commander which is not a bad thing, I am really looking forward to getting into that game again, or rather make a start. But I still have the WW2 bug at the moment. So I have been painting up some SS miniatures and a Puma.

This is a 1/48 scale kit from Tamiya the old Italeri kit re-boxed. I did some knocking around on the inter-web thingy for patterns etc. I have not done a model kit in 10+ years and was never any good but I thought I would give it a go.  😕

So here is my attempt at airbrushing:

I have now added 2 coats of filter from AK Interactive and added a pin wash and then tided it up a bit.

The next stage is to add some paint chipping and light scratches, until you are happy with the amount. I have added a fair few I can imagine that the Puma is thrashing its way though under growth  and sneaking into the woods and towns scouting for Allied armor.

The colours should tone down a bit more. I may add rain streaks, still have mud and dust to add. I have not used any of these products before, I normally just did drybrush and ink was but want to try and paint it like modelers do.

Adding the start of the mud:

I don’t want it plastered just some stuck under there from usage.

Here are the wheels:

So I have now been working on the crew, I wanted a crew of 2 for this one. The commander exposed commenting to the gunner who has just his head exposed, sort of a narrative.

Here are some bad pictures  😆

Here you can see the excellent decals from Warlord I picked up at the Salute show in London, I used two eagles and an officer rank Untersturmfuhuer. Excellent decals. I used Micro Set and then added a little Matt varnish.

Well I think I am finally there.

I took advantage of the nice weather and took some photos.

I am thinking about adding some foliage? What do you think?